Ties That Bind & The Golden Thread

The ties that bind us to life are tougher than you imagine, or than any one can who has not felt how roughly they may be pulled without breaking.
– Anne Brontë

Swept into the celebrations of the holiday season, I marvel at the ties that bind but simultaneously get all tangled up in them. No, I’m not referring to ribbons and bows or John Fawcett’s hymn Blest Be the Tie That Binds, not Pedro Almodovar’s dark romantic comedy Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! or Bruce Springsteen’s new box set Ties That Bind: The River Collection. I mean the ties that blind. Ties that bind of a certain kind that may simply reside in the mind. 

I’m not wild about being bound to anything and wonder if when I reach the finale of this meditation inquiry I will figure out this puzzle and attain some measure of enlightenment. Oh I’ve tied and untied knots all right. I can snug one up that’s tough to undo and I can also slip a knot like a Houdini protégé. Without mercy, I’ve tugged on ties that bind, yet they still hold tight. Yes, ties of blood and kin, rings and vows, nature and nurture, chemistry and consciousness. But what’s that illusive, unbreakable thread that weaves and wanders, beckons and binds? Perhaps it exists only in the imagination. Or is it the imagination?

More than anything, that’s been the thread through my life – the desire to write, the impulse to write. I mean, it’s taken me other places, but it was the impulse to write that led me to singing.
–Patti Smith

I know ties that bind transcend the boundary of distance, margins of culture, life and death, love and loss. But the golden thread eludes my grasp. Surely when you find the beginning loop or end knot and pull it taut, you will be in control of its destiny. You will be able to link it where you like it, I reason. But reason seldom solves a dilemma, at least in the embryonic stage. Perhaps instinct for insight?

For sure some ties might be worth the bind – a relationship, kinship, a romantic arrangement, the land or a place. But reason informs me of the connotations of the verb to bind and I’m already claustrophobic. When I escape such rigid logic I’m free to be connected –ties that bind without being bound.

The moment of creative impulse is what an artist gives you. You look at a Pollock, and it can’t give you the tools to do a painting like that yourself, but in doing the work, Pollock shares with you the moment of creative impulse that drove him to do that work.
– Patti Smith

Ah, I’m sneaking up on the golden thread – enough to realize ties can outlast eternity and ties that bind remain invisible. Creativity knows no bounds. Yet it took an image I just glanced at (well more like lingered) on my second screen to transport me to a place, a time, a moment, a relationship and bring to life the magic of an illusive tie that binds. And binds and won’t let go. Now you see it – now you don’t!

So during this festive season of making merry, giving thanks, family and friends, you could probably tighten up a few loose ties and some could stand a snip. But don’t succumb to mind bondage – honor the genuine ties that bind.

As you glimpse the edge of dawn from your window or peer into the inky night sky, be on the lookout for the golden thread. May you find peace, love, joy and creativity this holiday. And twinkling stars light years away.

Everyone has a creative impulse, and has the right to create, and should.
– Patti Smith


9 thoughts on “Ties That Bind & The Golden Thread”

  1. Really nice post, Martha. So timely, with all the ties and binds arriving, appearing, some blinding from behind and others surprising. 😉 Oh, the holidays!
    Happy holidays and wishing you the best in 2016!

  2. Wonderful post:) I definitely agree that ties can outlast eternity and developing that golden thread can be a magical thing that pervades into every aspect of our lives.

    Hope you have a happy holidays!

  3. Yes – and sometimes untieing (sp?) is more effective … and if we stop looking for the end of the thread we'll stop living consciously … the continuous circuiteous searches and losses, hopes never surrendered – so we can all look forward to a new year!
    All the best to you for the holidays and for 2016!

  4. Leonard Cohen said "You who must leave everything that you cannot control; it begins with your family but soon it comes round to your soul." We sample many things in life, but we must always move forward and that means untying those knots, at least a bit. Everything and everyone changes over time. We must be flexible enough to hold onto what works and to let go of what doesn't. No regrets.

  5. Jan Hein van Joolen

    Ties that bind, ties that blind. That is so true for all thinking in terms of ties.
    In that concept called ties there is binding and or blinding.
    Forget about all ties !
    Just imagine a tieless world, universe, life, and you will see that everything is connected to everything, as one .
    No binding, no blinding,just freedom as is.
    That is what I wish all readers of this post.
    With a kiss for my dear Martha !
    Love Jan Hein

  6. I love this, Martha. 2015 was definitely a year of discovering which ties bind me in a way that nourishes me, and which bind me in a way that psychologically strangles me. I love the binds that lead me to boundless rather than restricted living. Here's to a boundless 2016!

  7. Hi Martha, very well written though my brain is in knots after reading it. I recognize that ties are infinite encompassing people , the planet and universe. I just recently broke a knot with a family member and and tied a closer knot with another. I’ve written about ties not remembered yet emotionally present. All very confusing as most knots are. We’re unraveling knots everyday as we create new ones. Life. Have a best year ever. Gitta

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