Promo Code: JOY2020

Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change.
– Thomas Hardy

Who would think I’d find myself (this holiday season) loitering, masked on the tracks, (probably holding up trains) while holding back a migraine – for fun!

Unlike my extrovert friends, I don’t miss crowded holiday parties drenched with glasses overfilled with empty chitchat. I don’t miss my favorite restaurants in the holiday season, waiting an hour and a half to be seated. Now I order ahead, take it & go. I don’t miss the bustle of shoppers at Bloomies or the hustle of opportunists offering opioids. Although festive in color, I don’t miss miles of red tail lights backed up on the freeway. I don’t miss the gluttony and excess of holiday frenzy or assumptions gilded in gold.

Instead I’ve taken a liking to my collection of masks. And I realize with distance, all the times in my life when I could have masked up – to save face. Oh, if only you knew those transformative tales!

Silence is more eloquent than words.
– Thomas Carlyle

Under the current stay-at-home order, my gregarious acquaintances shun the joys of solitude. But you see I once spent a week in the desert in silence – with monks at a Monastery – even cleaning latrines with the Benedictines. Expected to rise with the tolling of bells before dawn (to consider my ways), I still prefer the darkest of indigo nights for enlightenment. But the frugal surroundings and fathomless skies at daybreak can (on occasion) heighten the glow.

I don’t miss wedging shoulder to shoulder at concerts or sticky venues. I don’t miss shaking hands with strangers or friends – such an odd thing to do. I don’t miss packed boarding gates and late arrivals at overbooked hotels. But I miss the freedom to fly to exotic locales. I miss the buzz of spontaneity. I miss adrenaline ventures into the steamy unknown. But now, with security lines and passport control mutated into fast lanes for spread, I’ll give airports a miss this season – I hope you will too.

For me and for you, 2020 spritzed us an insidious virus. So the quaintness of last year’s Christmas no longer applies. Pre-Covid Codes all expired with global transmission. But it’s the season of blessings and counting them, so here’s what I’ve got. 

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
– Lao Tzu

Shift your horizon. Blessings lie inward – yet crisscross the heavens. Near the top of my list I count the blessing of creativity and its ineffable spirit. But the blessing of lovers and loved ones gleams from the brightest of stars.

For this silent Christmas of all Christmases, you’re not out of options. You can mask up and distance – or Zoom party all night. You can fill Santa’s sleigh with a windfall of online promos all tied up with labels for shipping and a sanitized bow. You can augment your home screen with new apps galore – order from a menu of delicacies delivered to your door. You can even wallow in nostalgia for more social times past. But you could also toast this year’s holiday retreat. Figure out what matters to keep.

And on the subject of keeping, I won’t keep you long. You see I’m busy with loitering and I know you have plenty to do. But in the end (which may be the beginning) I say sift through the lost and add up the found. Count your blessings and distribute a few. But first, indulge Promo Code: JOY 2020 wherever you are – whatever you do. (No cash value) – just a gift of joy from me to you!

P.S. Instead of 2020’s lethal spike proteins and the alternative reality showcase of evil, perhaps the convergence of Saturn & Jupiter on the Winter Solstice bodes well for the alignment of starlight and planets – and change – as we glide into 2021.

7 thoughts on “Promo Code: JOY2020”

  1. As usual, beautifully written!
    For me and my dear sweet husband, time is precious, we have not missed the usual hectic Christmas frenzy!
    We have seen more of my local grandchildren (2) and enjoyed my daughter bringing us food and wipes and sanitizer so her "old" parents stay safe!! We haven't shopped or ran around like crazy nuts, its been a relaxing time and just as enjoyable as ever.
    We are young at heart, happy and thankful every day!

  2. I love this . . . all of it . . . the line "sift through the lost and add up the found" resonates and makes one think . . . thank you for sharing your thoughts once again

  3. My thoughts exactly, just let me be. Avoid those crowds and noise. Give me some peace. I like to look at the moon and stars on a clear night, bundled up in my mother's old down car coat, old and worn, but so warm, and just enjoy the quiet. I have joy with my dog Cuddles, and my cat, Good Boy. I've been busy in the kitchen making soup, and will next attempt grapefruit marmalade and fruit cakes. My timing is off but my heart is in it. I appreciate the energy I feel when I don't have an agenda to maintain, and being alone has rewards for me. I just have more creativity. With your help, I am becoming more and more productive and uplifted. Big Thank You!

  4. Lovely words beautifully scribed. I agree mostly however I do miss the live music. Okay maybe not the shoving crowds. I do feel there has been good in this year. While I know I am in a protective bubble, I am thankful for that.
    Ps. Love the photo of you on the tracks. And the border.
    Looking forward to a brighter 2021. Best to you.

  5. This has been one helluva year to have not one, not two but THREE major surgeries; a perfect opportunity for recoveries etc. Couldn't do much writing though, or rather editing my work in preparation for your eagle eye dearest Martha. Instead I worked on a new series of ideas, enabling me to sit comfortably in my studio. I do hope to take it to places where it might enlighten and inspire and hope the upcoming year brings all the fulfillment of hopes and dreams.
    Had much time for reflection and am grateful for that. I believe it has made an enormous difference to the upcoming output of my art.
    Now I'm going to take a nap! ZZZzzz….

  6. Oh yes, we all have our list of lost and found, misses and discoveries – I take your Promo Code as a promise to cash in when it's right for me.
    Happy New Year, as the saying goes … fill it with hope and love!

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